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Embodied Asana: a Journey Through the Koshas
Logistics and Introduction
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Course Learning Objectives
How to move through the course
Contextualizing Asana (11:25)
Overview of the Koshas (26:25)
Module 1: Annamaya Kosha || Foundations
Opening Meditation (5:31)
Overview of Annamaya Kosha (8:44)
Asana According to Patanjali (7:27)
5 minute Movement Break!
Understanding the Importance of the Feet (5:26)
Pada Bandha Experiential (6:10)
Hasta Bandha (8:24)
Asana lab: Tadasana/Mountain (27:06)
Closing Body Scan + Savasana (9:15)
Module 1: Practice, Homework, and Asana Principles
Longform Practice: Connection to the Earth (65 mins) (66:40)
Module 1 Homework
Asana Principles for Annamaya Kosha
Module 2: Pranamaya Kosha || Bridging Duality
Opening Movement + Meditation (15:20)
Understanding Prana (15:47)
Mapping Pranamaya Kosha (18:29)
Clarifying Pranayama + Quick Practice (14:16)
Prana Vayus (17:12)
Experiencing the Vayus in Restorative Yoga (47:13)
The Goal of Hatha Yoga
Asana lab: Twists (29:43)
Module 2: Practice, Homework, and Asana Principles
Longform Practice: Bridging Duality at Center (65 mins) (67:01)
Module 2 Homework
Asana Principles for Pranamaya Kosha
Module 3: Manomaya Kosha || Understanding the Mind
Overview of Manomaya Kosha + Antahkarana (23:55)
The 8 Limbs/Ashtanga Yoga (19:38)
Thoughts as Seeds (2:52)
Dristhi Prana Manaha (21:11)
Asana lab: forward folds (15:43)
Be Here Now: Japa Meditation Practice (10:13)
Module 3: Practice, Homework, and Asana Principles
Longform Practice: Steady Your Mind (70 mins) (70:08)
Module 3 Homework
Asana Principles for Manomaya Kosha
Module 4: Vijnanamaya Kosha || Exploring Discernment as the Witness
Overview of Vijnanamaya Kosha (16:20)
Immersing in OM (18:47)
Understanding Svadhyaya (3:18)
Threading Discernment, Alignment and Lines of Energy (24:47)
Posture lab: Inversions (29:45)
Module 4: Practice, Homework, and Asana Principles
Longform Practice: Seat of the Witness (80 mins) (79:22)
Module 4 Homework
Asana Principles for Vijnanamaya Kosha
Module 5: Anandamaya Kosha || Anchoring in our True Nature
Overview of Anandamaya Kosha (18:41)
Sankalpa (11:08)
Posture Lab: Backbending (29:56)
Module 5: Practice, Homework, and Asana Principles
Longform Practice: Your Essence is Unconditional Love (90 mins) (90:16)
Module 5 Homework
Asana Principles for Anandamaya Kosha
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Opening Meditation
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